
Welcome to Wordfeud League of Honour! We arrange tournaments in Wordfeud and several other games. Read the details under 'Rules', and join us under 'Sign up'!

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Geir trenger bare tretti poeng for å rykke opp i sjette divisjon.
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Anna has two blanks and too many options.
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Alt Frode ville ha var kjærlighet. Men det var ikke plass på brettet.


League: Season: Division: Group:   Player:  

1Drill 8 6023685 - 320847712Trenches
2Glattar 9 6034092 - 384524712Detroit
3toolman22 11 5064674 - 5061-38710Rhode Island
4Uncle_Hrothgar 8 4043568 - 3480888North Carolina
5Underminer 6 4022641 - 2578638Virginia
6Johnrb360 8 4043329 - 3384-558
7mtremayne 6 3032661 - 2624376
8monday1 7 3042985 - 3016-316Dublin, Ireland
9ZBZ 9 3063635 - 3870-2356Denver
10chaz44 6 2042496 - 2657-1614Bahia
11mad as hell! 2 1011006 - 9031032Florida
1224th_Cardinal 0 0000 - 000
13SunshineandHunny 2 002853 - 999-1460TX

Deadline: 30/01 2025 17:59 New York Time

To register a result, you need to log in. This is done in the upper right corner.


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your last comment.

Name Message Time
UnderminerZBZ, thank you for the reminder. I’m usually pretty good about reporting the score right away. Since I don’t remember what it was—the seasons blend together—I’ll just enter an estimated score of 400-399. Apologies for confusion! 23/01 2025 03:42:20
wloh mediatorZBZ - Underminer is pretty reliable and experienced. It is charitable of you to remind them to post the score of a game you lost. Estimated scores are acceptable. 22/01 2025 16:32:09
ZBZHey Underminer...our score was not entered. I no longer have it. You won. Hopefully you still have it and can enter it. 22/01 2025 15:25:15
Debbie M.Mtremayne....division 5, group 4! 21/01 2025 16:00:20
Debbie M.Good job, mtremayne! Come over to div. 5 and intro my group! 21/01 2025 15:57:52
mtremayneWhat a stupendous group of brilliance! Each player has done [random statistical thing]. The two last players will be relegated. I feel pretty confident that [highest seeded player] wins this group. 19/01 2025 15:46:47
WLoH MediatorLAWRENDY - A new season just began this past Thursday evening. You can be added to a Div 8 group immediately if you are ready to go and promise to invite opponents actively. We will look for your reply. Otherwise, your account can be reactivated to start back in the next season. 18/01 2025 22:39:35
lawrendyWhen can I join the competition again? 18/01 2025 21:45:47

We have some bills to pay. If you help us with that, you get a lot more statistics, you get training tools and a wordfeud course at the Improve page, and the Player page starts to work. And you get rid of the commercial banner on the top of the page. A donation of $15, 12 euro, 10 £ or 90 kroner gives you access for a year. Click the donate button for PayPal donation. You can also click here and donate directly to the WLoH bank account.



Johnrb360 - monday1396 - 329
Johnrb360 - Uncle_Hrothgar531 - 440
Johnrb360 - Underminer395 - 502
Johnrb360 - mad as hell!
Johnrb360 - SunshineandHunny
Johnrb360 - Glattar400 - 482
Johnrb360 - mtremayne
Johnrb360 - Drill491 - 418
Johnrb360 - ZBZ365 - 406
Johnrb360 - toolman22392 - 385
Johnrb360 - chaz44359 - 422
Johnrb360 - 24th_Cardinal
monday1 - Johnrb360329 - 396
monday1 - Uncle_Hrothgar
monday1 - Underminer440 - 343
monday1 - mad as hell!
monday1 - SunshineandHunny
monday1 - Glattar449 - 506
monday1 - mtremayne451 - 380
monday1 - Drill438 - 511
monday1 - ZBZ415 - 399
monday1 - toolman22463 - 481
monday1 - chaz44
monday1 - 24th_Cardinal
Uncle_Hrothgar - Johnrb360440 - 531
Uncle_Hrothgar - monday1
Uncle_Hrothgar - Underminer483 - 484
Uncle_Hrothgar - mad as hell!
Uncle_Hrothgar - SunshineandHunny
Uncle_Hrothgar - Glattar423 - 350
Uncle_Hrothgar - mtremayne427 - 396
Uncle_Hrothgar - Drill378 - 482
Uncle_Hrothgar - ZBZ472 - 457
Uncle_Hrothgar - toolman22573 - 318
Uncle_Hrothgar - chaz44372 - 462
Uncle_Hrothgar - 24th_Cardinal
Underminer - Johnrb360502 - 395
Underminer - monday1343 - 440
Underminer - Uncle_Hrothgar484 - 483
Underminer - mad as hell!
Underminer - SunshineandHunny
Underminer - Glattar476 - 480
Underminer - mtremayne
Underminer - Drill
Underminer - ZBZ400 - 399
Underminer - toolman22436 - 381
Underminer - chaz44
Underminer - 24th_Cardinal
mad as hell! - Johnrb360
mad as hell! - monday1
mad as hell! - Uncle_Hrothgar
mad as hell! - Underminer
mad as hell! - SunshineandHunny
mad as hell! - Glattar
mad as hell! - mtremayne
mad as hell! - Drill
mad as hell! - ZBZ493 - 385
mad as hell! - toolman22513 - 518
mad as hell! - chaz44
mad as hell! - 24th_Cardinal
SunshineandHunny - Johnrb360
SunshineandHunny - monday1
SunshineandHunny - Uncle_Hrothgar
SunshineandHunny - Underminer
SunshineandHunny - mad as hell!
SunshineandHunny - Glattar415 - 506
SunshineandHunny - mtremayne
SunshineandHunny - Drill
SunshineandHunny - ZBZ
SunshineandHunny - toolman22438 - 493
SunshineandHunny - chaz44
SunshineandHunny - 24th_Cardinal
Glattar - Johnrb360482 - 400
Glattar - monday1506 - 449
Glattar - Uncle_Hrothgar350 - 423
Glattar - Underminer480 - 476
Glattar - mad as hell!
Glattar - SunshineandHunny506 - 415
Glattar - mtremayne
Glattar - Drill458 - 385
Glattar - ZBZ402 - 418
Glattar - toolman22416 - 435
Glattar - chaz44492 - 444
Glattar - 24th_Cardinal
mtremayne - Johnrb360
mtremayne - monday1380 - 451
mtremayne - Uncle_Hrothgar396 - 427
mtremayne - Underminer
mtremayne - mad as hell!
mtremayne - SunshineandHunny
mtremayne - Glattar
mtremayne - Drill407 - 470
mtremayne - ZBZ505 - 452
mtremayne - toolman22496 - 434
mtremayne - chaz44477 - 390
mtremayne - 24th_Cardinal
Drill - Johnrb360418 - 491
Drill - monday1511 - 438
Drill - Uncle_Hrothgar482 - 378
Drill - Underminer
Drill - mad as hell!
Drill - SunshineandHunny
Drill - Glattar385 - 458
Drill - mtremayne470 - 407
Drill - ZBZ444 - 335
Drill - toolman22513 - 360
Drill - chaz44462 - 341
Drill - 24th_Cardinal
ZBZ - Johnrb360406 - 365
ZBZ - monday1399 - 415
ZBZ - Uncle_Hrothgar457 - 472
ZBZ - Underminer399 - 400
ZBZ - mad as hell!385 - 493
ZBZ - SunshineandHunny
ZBZ - Glattar418 - 402
ZBZ - mtremayne452 - 505
ZBZ - Drill335 - 444
ZBZ - toolman22384 - 374
ZBZ - chaz44
ZBZ - 24th_Cardinal
toolman22 - Johnrb360385 - 392
toolman22 - monday1481 - 463
toolman22 - Uncle_Hrothgar318 - 573
toolman22 - Underminer381 - 436
toolman22 - mad as hell!518 - 513
toolman22 - SunshineandHunny493 - 438
toolman22 - Glattar435 - 416
toolman22 - mtremayne434 - 496
toolman22 - Drill360 - 513
toolman22 - ZBZ374 - 384
toolman22 - chaz44495 - 437
toolman22 - 24th_Cardinal
chaz44 - Johnrb360422 - 359
chaz44 - monday1
chaz44 - Uncle_Hrothgar462 - 372
chaz44 - Underminer
chaz44 - mad as hell!
chaz44 - SunshineandHunny
chaz44 - Glattar444 - 492
chaz44 - mtremayne390 - 477
chaz44 - Drill341 - 462
chaz44 - ZBZ
chaz44 - toolman22437 - 495
chaz44 - 24th_Cardinal
24th_Cardinal - Johnrb360
24th_Cardinal - monday1
24th_Cardinal - Uncle_Hrothgar
24th_Cardinal - Underminer
24th_Cardinal - mad as hell!
24th_Cardinal - SunshineandHunny
24th_Cardinal - Glattar
24th_Cardinal - mtremayne
24th_Cardinal - Drill
24th_Cardinal - ZBZ
24th_Cardinal - toolman22
24th_Cardinal - chaz44