Popeye5555´s Crazy Pineapple mit verrückter Regel!

Da sticht mich doch die Ananas: Wer (ZUERST) einlädt, BESTIMMT das Spielfeld! CRAAAAAZYYYYYYYY! Normal oder Zufall, der Schnellere bestimmt ;)

Open Tournament. 7 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 3 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 Campina6647 6 4 1 1 2451-1949 502 13
2 Popeye5555 6 4 1 1 2632-2302 330 13
3 Mopsheidi 6 4 0 2 2330-2123 207 12
4 Ki3005 6 3 0 3 2364-2231 133 9
5 Spyderwoman0606 6 3 0 3 2185-2206 -21 9
6 Samilein 6 2 0 4 2336-2283 53 6
7 SusiSorgenfrei 6 0 0 6 1507-2711 -1204 0

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Comment field

Name Message Time
Popeye5555 Genau, erst ab Start! 28/10 2022 22:03:39
za! Sehr schickes Format! 28/10 2022 21:28:54
Ki3005 Ab wann darf man einladen? Erst, wenn offizieller Start, oder? 28/10 2022 19:27:42
Popeye5555 Danke ;) 28/10 2022 18:09:20
Ki3005 Sehr schön! 28/10 2022 17:51:06




Match Result
Popeye5555 - Ki3005 379 - 453
Popeye5555 - SusiSorgenfrei 422 - 271
Popeye5555 - Samilein 480 - 365
Popeye5555 - Campina6647 401 - 401
Popeye5555 - Mopsheidi 518 - 391
Popeye5555 - Spyderwoman0606 432 - 421
Ki3005 - Popeye5555 453 - 379
Ki3005 - SusiSorgenfrei 570 - 262
Ki3005 - Samilein 405 - 369
Ki3005 - Campina6647 251 - 403
Ki3005 - Mopsheidi 336 - 397
Ki3005 - Spyderwoman0606 349 - 421
SusiSorgenfrei - Popeye5555 271 - 422
SusiSorgenfrei - Ki3005 262 - 570
SusiSorgenfrei - Samilein 269 - 500
SusiSorgenfrei - Campina6647 207 - 394
SusiSorgenfrei - Mopsheidi 224 - 408
SusiSorgenfrei - Spyderwoman0606 274 - 417
Samilein - Popeye5555 365 - 480
Samilein - Ki3005 369 - 405
Samilein - SusiSorgenfrei 500 - 269
Samilein - Campina6647 445 - 461
Samilein - Mopsheidi 322 - 401
Samilein - Spyderwoman0606 335 - 267
Campina6647 - Popeye5555 401 - 401
Campina6647 - Ki3005 403 - 251
Campina6647 - SusiSorgenfrei 394 - 207
Campina6647 - Samilein 461 - 445
Campina6647 - Mopsheidi 339 - 370
Campina6647 - Spyderwoman0606 453 - 275
Mopsheidi - Popeye5555 391 - 518
Mopsheidi - Ki3005 397 - 336
Mopsheidi - SusiSorgenfrei 408 - 224
Mopsheidi - Samilein 401 - 322
Mopsheidi - Campina6647 370 - 339
Mopsheidi - Spyderwoman0606 363 - 384
Spyderwoman0606 - Popeye5555 421 - 432
Spyderwoman0606 - Ki3005 421 - 349
Spyderwoman0606 - SusiSorgenfrei 417 - 274
Spyderwoman0606 - Samilein 267 - 335
Spyderwoman0606 - Campina6647 275 - 453
Spyderwoman0606 - Mopsheidi 384 - 363

Match program

Match Result
Ki3005 - Spyderwoman0606 349 - 421
SusiSorgenfrei - Mopsheidi 224 - 408
Samilein - Campina6647 445 - 461
Popeye5555 - Spyderwoman0606 432 - 421
Ki3005 - Campina6647 251 - 403
SusiSorgenfrei - Samilein 269 - 500
Popeye5555 - Mopsheidi 518 - 391
Spyderwoman0606 - Campina6647 275 - 453
Ki3005 - SusiSorgenfrei 570 - 262
Popeye5555 - Campina6647 401 - 401
Mopsheidi - Samilein 401 - 322
Spyderwoman0606 - SusiSorgenfrei 417 - 274
Popeye5555 - Samilein 480 - 365
Campina6647 - SusiSorgenfrei 394 - 207
Mopsheidi - Ki3005 397 - 336
Popeye5555 - SusiSorgenfrei 422 - 271
Samilein - Ki3005 369 - 405
Mopsheidi - Spyderwoman0606 363 - 384
Popeye5555 - Ki3005 379 - 453
Samilein - Spyderwoman0606 335 - 267
Campina6647 - Mopsheidi 339 - 370

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