Kirkem´s richtig früher Vogel

Welcome to Kirkem´s richtig früher Vogel

Open Tournament. 8 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 Chaos Queen 7 6 0 1 2636-2548 88 12
2 Miza 7 5 0 2 2776-2417 359 10
3 Popeye5555 7 5 0 2 2820-2550 270 10
4 krokoistda 7 3 0 4 2577-2582 -5 6
5 nitschewo 7 3 0 4 2558-2567 -9 6
6 Aj2409 7 3 0 4 2519-2530 -11 6
7 Kirkem 7 2 0 5 2455-2571 -116 4
8 SusiSorgenfrei 7 1 0 6 2124-2700 -576 2

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Name Message Time
Kirkem Glückwunsch Chaos Queen 22/11 2022 12:10:54
Kirkem Viel Spaß euch Allen 18/11 2022 11:18:05




Match Result
Kirkem - Chaos Queen 373 - 386
Kirkem - Popeye5555 373 - 405
Kirkem - Aj2409 335 - 284
Kirkem - Miza 316 - 405
Kirkem - SusiSorgenfrei 352 - 309
Kirkem - nitschewo 377 - 403
Kirkem - krokoistda 329 - 379
Chaos Queen - Kirkem 386 - 373
Chaos Queen - Popeye5555 377 - 336
Chaos Queen - Aj2409 397 - 357
Chaos Queen - Miza 375 - 359
Chaos Queen - SusiSorgenfrei 392 - 270
Chaos Queen - nitschewo 383 - 366
Chaos Queen - krokoistda 326 - 487
Popeye5555 - Kirkem 405 - 373
Popeye5555 - Chaos Queen 336 - 377
Popeye5555 - Aj2409 466 - 425
Popeye5555 - Miza 352 - 407
Popeye5555 - SusiSorgenfrei 474 - 242
Popeye5555 - nitschewo 372 - 364
Popeye5555 - krokoistda 415 - 362
Aj2409 - Kirkem 284 - 335
Aj2409 - Chaos Queen 357 - 397
Aj2409 - Popeye5555 425 - 466
Aj2409 - Miza 350 - 387
Aj2409 - SusiSorgenfrei 367 - 333
Aj2409 - nitschewo 362 - 318
Aj2409 - krokoistda 374 - 294
Miza - Kirkem 405 - 316
Miza - Chaos Queen 359 - 375
Miza - Popeye5555 407 - 352
Miza - Aj2409 387 - 350
Miza - SusiSorgenfrei 448 - 281
Miza - nitschewo 406 - 423
Miza - krokoistda 364 - 320
SusiSorgenfrei - Kirkem 309 - 352
SusiSorgenfrei - Chaos Queen 270 - 392
SusiSorgenfrei - Popeye5555 242 - 474
SusiSorgenfrei - Aj2409 333 - 367
SusiSorgenfrei - Miza 281 - 448
SusiSorgenfrei - nitschewo 318 - 281
SusiSorgenfrei - krokoistda 371 - 386
nitschewo - Kirkem 403 - 377
nitschewo - Chaos Queen 366 - 383
nitschewo - Popeye5555 364 - 372
nitschewo - Aj2409 318 - 362
nitschewo - Miza 423 - 406
nitschewo - SusiSorgenfrei 281 - 318
nitschewo - krokoistda 403 - 349
krokoistda - Kirkem 379 - 329
krokoistda - Chaos Queen 487 - 326
krokoistda - Popeye5555 362 - 415
krokoistda - Aj2409 294 - 374
krokoistda - Miza 320 - 364
krokoistda - SusiSorgenfrei 386 - 371
krokoistda - nitschewo 349 - 403

Match program

Match Result
Kirkem - krokoistda 329 - 379
Chaos Queen - nitschewo 383 - 366
Popeye5555 - SusiSorgenfrei 474 - 242
Aj2409 - Miza 350 - 387
Kirkem - nitschewo 377 - 403
krokoistda - SusiSorgenfrei 386 - 371
Chaos Queen - Miza 375 - 359
Popeye5555 - Aj2409 466 - 425
Kirkem - SusiSorgenfrei 352 - 309
nitschewo - Miza 423 - 406
krokoistda - Aj2409 294 - 374
Chaos Queen - Popeye5555 377 - 336
Kirkem - Miza 316 - 405
SusiSorgenfrei - Aj2409 333 - 367
nitschewo - Popeye5555 364 - 372
krokoistda - Chaos Queen 487 - 326
Kirkem - Aj2409 335 - 284
Miza - Popeye5555 407 - 352
SusiSorgenfrei - Chaos Queen 270 - 392
nitschewo - krokoistda 403 - 349
Kirkem - Popeye5555 373 - 405
Aj2409 - Chaos Queen 357 - 397
Miza - krokoistda 364 - 320
SusiSorgenfrei - nitschewo 318 - 281
Kirkem - Chaos Queen 373 - 386
Popeye5555 - krokoistda 415 - 362
Aj2409 - nitschewo 362 - 318
Miza - SusiSorgenfrei 448 - 281

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