Smartraser´s Wordfeud Zufallsrunde

Welcome to Smartraser´s Zufallsrunde

Open Tournament. 8 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 za! 7 6 0 1 3196-2641 555 12
2 tanja1265 7 5 0 2 2969-2541 428 10
3 Mopsheidi 7 5 0 2 3015-2607 408 10
4 Ki3005 7 4 0 3 2728-2980 -252 8
5 smartraser 7 3 0 4 3058-2801 257 6
6 Oachkatzlschwoaf 7 3 0 4 2633-2855 -222 6
7 SusiSorgenfrei 7 1 0 6 2502-2789 -287 2
8 Aurora.Borealis 7 1 0 6 2491-3378 -887 2

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Match Result
smartraser - Mopsheidi 348 - 499
smartraser - Ki3005 472 - 274
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 341 - 411
smartraser - tanja1265 414 - 312
smartraser - za! 386 - 464
smartraser - Oachkatzlschwoaf 520 - 524
smartraser - Aurora.Borealis 577 - 317
Mopsheidi - smartraser 499 - 348
Mopsheidi - Ki3005 414 - 409
Mopsheidi - SusiSorgenfrei 366 - 318
Mopsheidi - tanja1265 407 - 413
Mopsheidi - za! 359 - 512
Mopsheidi - Oachkatzlschwoaf 379 - 278
Mopsheidi - Aurora.Borealis 591 - 329
Ki3005 - smartraser 274 - 472
Ki3005 - Mopsheidi 409 - 414
Ki3005 - SusiSorgenfrei 427 - 393
Ki3005 - tanja1265 417 - 375
Ki3005 - za! 281 - 656
Ki3005 - Oachkatzlschwoaf 393 - 353
Ki3005 - Aurora.Borealis 527 - 317
SusiSorgenfrei - smartraser 411 - 341
SusiSorgenfrei - Mopsheidi 318 - 366
SusiSorgenfrei - Ki3005 393 - 427
SusiSorgenfrei - tanja1265 310 - 417
SusiSorgenfrei - za! 431 - 433
SusiSorgenfrei - Oachkatzlschwoaf 309 - 403
SusiSorgenfrei - Aurora.Borealis 330 - 402
tanja1265 - smartraser 312 - 414
tanja1265 - Mopsheidi 413 - 407
tanja1265 - Ki3005 375 - 417
tanja1265 - SusiSorgenfrei 417 - 310
tanja1265 - za! 503 - 348
tanja1265 - Oachkatzlschwoaf 454 - 299
tanja1265 - Aurora.Borealis 495 - 346
za! - smartraser 464 - 386
za! - Mopsheidi 512 - 359
za! - Ki3005 656 - 281
za! - SusiSorgenfrei 433 - 431
za! - tanja1265 348 - 503
za! - Oachkatzlschwoaf 365 - 336
za! - Aurora.Borealis 418 - 345
Oachkatzlschwoaf - smartraser 524 - 520
Oachkatzlschwoaf - Mopsheidi 278 - 379
Oachkatzlschwoaf - Ki3005 353 - 393
Oachkatzlschwoaf - SusiSorgenfrei 403 - 309
Oachkatzlschwoaf - tanja1265 299 - 454
Oachkatzlschwoaf - za! 336 - 365
Oachkatzlschwoaf - Aurora.Borealis 440 - 435
Aurora.Borealis - smartraser 317 - 577
Aurora.Borealis - Mopsheidi 329 - 591
Aurora.Borealis - Ki3005 317 - 527
Aurora.Borealis - SusiSorgenfrei 402 - 330
Aurora.Borealis - tanja1265 346 - 495
Aurora.Borealis - za! 345 - 418
Aurora.Borealis - Oachkatzlschwoaf 435 - 440

Match program

Match Result
smartraser - Aurora.Borealis 577 - 317
Mopsheidi - Oachkatzlschwoaf 379 - 278
Ki3005 - za! 281 - 656
SusiSorgenfrei - tanja1265 310 - 417
smartraser - Oachkatzlschwoaf 520 - 524
Aurora.Borealis - za! 345 - 418
Mopsheidi - tanja1265 407 - 413
Ki3005 - SusiSorgenfrei 427 - 393
smartraser - za! 386 - 464
Oachkatzlschwoaf - tanja1265 299 - 454
Aurora.Borealis - SusiSorgenfrei 402 - 330
Mopsheidi - Ki3005 414 - 409
smartraser - tanja1265 414 - 312
za! - SusiSorgenfrei 433 - 431
Oachkatzlschwoaf - Ki3005 353 - 393
Aurora.Borealis - Mopsheidi 329 - 591
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 341 - 411
tanja1265 - Ki3005 375 - 417
za! - Mopsheidi 512 - 359
Oachkatzlschwoaf - Aurora.Borealis 440 - 435
smartraser - Ki3005 472 - 274
SusiSorgenfrei - Mopsheidi 318 - 366
tanja1265 - Aurora.Borealis 495 - 346
za! - Oachkatzlschwoaf 365 - 336
smartraser - Mopsheidi 348 - 499
Ki3005 - Aurora.Borealis 527 - 317
SusiSorgenfrei - Oachkatzlschwoaf 309 - 403
tanja1265 - za! 503 - 348

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