Schlumpfine2010 ´s League

Welcome to Schlumpfine2010 ´s League!

Open Tournament. 8 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 Nelli0815 7 6 1 0 2603-2027 576 13
2 Popeye5555 7 6 0 1 2831-2475 356 12
3 Hausdrache-68 7 4 0 3 2901-2369 532 8
4 Chaos Queen 7 4 0 3 2536-2439 97 8
5 smartraser 7 3 0 4 2417-2430 -13 6
6 Goodyshoes 7 3 0 4 2268-2550 -282 6
7 SusiSorgenfrei 7 1 1 5 2192-2731 -539 3
8 Schlumpfine2010 7 0 0 7 2133-2860 -727 0

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Name Message Time
Schlumpfine2010 Wünsch euch viel Spaß! 29/06 2024 08:49:34




Match Result
Schlumpfine2010 - SusiSorgenfrei 293 - 395
Schlumpfine2010 - Chaos Queen 324 - 344
Schlumpfine2010 - smartraser 306 - 418
Schlumpfine2010 - Nelli0815 248 - 383
Schlumpfine2010 - Popeye5555 337 - 404
Schlumpfine2010 - Goodyshoes 321 - 382
Schlumpfine2010 - Hausdrache-68 304 - 534
SusiSorgenfrei - Schlumpfine2010 395 - 293
SusiSorgenfrei - Chaos Queen 280 - 451
SusiSorgenfrei - smartraser 310 - 320
SusiSorgenfrei - Nelli0815 314 - 314
SusiSorgenfrei - Popeye5555 315 - 443
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 345 - 377
SusiSorgenfrei - Hausdrache-68 233 - 533
Chaos Queen - Schlumpfine2010 344 - 324
Chaos Queen - SusiSorgenfrei 451 - 280
Chaos Queen - smartraser 399 - 302
Chaos Queen - Nelli0815 327 - 370
Chaos Queen - Popeye5555 343 - 360
Chaos Queen - Goodyshoes 388 - 370
Chaos Queen - Hausdrache-68 284 - 433
smartraser - Schlumpfine2010 418 - 306
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 320 - 310
smartraser - Chaos Queen 302 - 399
smartraser - Nelli0815 293 - 350
smartraser - Popeye5555 344 - 408
smartraser - Goodyshoes 413 - 241
smartraser - Hausdrache-68 327 - 416
Nelli0815 - Schlumpfine2010 383 - 248
Nelli0815 - SusiSorgenfrei 314 - 314
Nelli0815 - Chaos Queen 370 - 327
Nelli0815 - smartraser 350 - 293
Nelli0815 - Popeye5555 426 - 313
Nelli0815 - Goodyshoes 368 - 257
Nelli0815 - Hausdrache-68 392 - 275
Popeye5555 - Schlumpfine2010 404 - 337
Popeye5555 - SusiSorgenfrei 443 - 315
Popeye5555 - Chaos Queen 360 - 343
Popeye5555 - smartraser 408 - 344
Popeye5555 - Nelli0815 313 - 426
Popeye5555 - Goodyshoes 411 - 304
Popeye5555 - Hausdrache-68 492 - 406
Goodyshoes - Schlumpfine2010 382 - 321
Goodyshoes - SusiSorgenfrei 377 - 345
Goodyshoes - Chaos Queen 370 - 388
Goodyshoes - smartraser 241 - 413
Goodyshoes - Nelli0815 257 - 368
Goodyshoes - Popeye5555 304 - 411
Goodyshoes - Hausdrache-68 337 - 304
Hausdrache-68 - Schlumpfine2010 534 - 304
Hausdrache-68 - SusiSorgenfrei 533 - 233
Hausdrache-68 - Chaos Queen 433 - 284
Hausdrache-68 - smartraser 416 - 327
Hausdrache-68 - Nelli0815 275 - 392
Hausdrache-68 - Popeye5555 406 - 492
Hausdrache-68 - Goodyshoes 304 - 337

Match program

Match Result
Schlumpfine2010 - Hausdrache-68 304 - 534
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 345 - 377
Chaos Queen - Popeye5555 343 - 360
smartraser - Nelli0815 293 - 350
Schlumpfine2010 - Goodyshoes 321 - 382
Hausdrache-68 - Popeye5555 406 - 492
SusiSorgenfrei - Nelli0815 314 - 314
Chaos Queen - smartraser 399 - 302
Schlumpfine2010 - Popeye5555 337 - 404
Goodyshoes - Nelli0815 257 - 368
Hausdrache-68 - smartraser 416 - 327
SusiSorgenfrei - Chaos Queen 280 - 451
Schlumpfine2010 - Nelli0815 248 - 383
Popeye5555 - smartraser 408 - 344
Goodyshoes - Chaos Queen 370 - 388
Hausdrache-68 - SusiSorgenfrei 533 - 233
Schlumpfine2010 - smartraser 306 - 418
Nelli0815 - Chaos Queen 370 - 327
Popeye5555 - SusiSorgenfrei 443 - 315
Goodyshoes - Hausdrache-68 337 - 304
Schlumpfine2010 - Chaos Queen 324 - 344
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 320 - 310
Nelli0815 - Hausdrache-68 392 - 275
Popeye5555 - Goodyshoes 411 - 304
Schlumpfine2010 - SusiSorgenfrei 293 - 395
Chaos Queen - Hausdrache-68 284 - 433
smartraser - Goodyshoes 413 - 241
Nelli0815 - Popeye5555 426 - 313

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