Hausdrache-68´s ruhige Momente

Welcome to Hausdrache-68´s Spiel

Open Tournament. 8 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 smartraser 7 5 0 2 2536-2227 309 10
2 tanja1265 7 5 0 2 2823-2515 308 10
3 Goodyshoes 7 5 0 2 2450-2261 189 10
4 Hausdrache-68 7 5 0 2 2452-2355 97 10
5 Chaos Queen 7 4 0 3 2622-2541 81 8
6 Nelli0815 7 2 0 5 2657-2471 186 4
7 SusiSorgenfrei 7 2 0 5 2193-2613 -420 4
8 malgilb 7 0 0 7 2040-2790 -750 0

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Name Message Time
Hausdrache-68 Auf schöne Spiele hier und viel Erfolg im Turnier 27/07 2024 08:28:21




Match Result
Hausdrache-68 - SusiSorgenfrei 331 - 288
Hausdrache-68 - Goodyshoes 309 - 390
Hausdrache-68 - Chaos Queen 439 - 235
Hausdrache-68 - malgilb 393 - 237
Hausdrache-68 - tanja1265 414 - 367
Hausdrache-68 - Nelli0815 307 - 291
Hausdrache-68 - smartraser 259 - 547
SusiSorgenfrei - Hausdrache-68 288 - 331
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 265 - 343
SusiSorgenfrei - Chaos Queen 339 - 445
SusiSorgenfrei - malgilb 349 - 321
SusiSorgenfrei - tanja1265 325 - 466
SusiSorgenfrei - Nelli0815 370 - 344
SusiSorgenfrei - smartraser 257 - 363
Goodyshoes - Hausdrache-68 390 - 309
Goodyshoes - SusiSorgenfrei 343 - 265
Goodyshoes - Chaos Queen 296 - 405
Goodyshoes - malgilb 419 - 249
Goodyshoes - tanja1265 391 - 365
Goodyshoes - Nelli0815 362 - 350
Goodyshoes - smartraser 249 - 318
Chaos Queen - Hausdrache-68 235 - 439
Chaos Queen - SusiSorgenfrei 445 - 339
Chaos Queen - Goodyshoes 405 - 296
Chaos Queen - malgilb 401 - 306
Chaos Queen - tanja1265 344 - 385
Chaos Queen - Nelli0815 490 - 340
Chaos Queen - smartraser 302 - 436
malgilb - Hausdrache-68 237 - 393
malgilb - SusiSorgenfrei 321 - 349
malgilb - Goodyshoes 249 - 419
malgilb - Chaos Queen 306 - 401
malgilb - tanja1265 373 - 409
malgilb - Nelli0815 255 - 501
malgilb - smartraser 299 - 318
tanja1265 - Hausdrache-68 367 - 414
tanja1265 - SusiSorgenfrei 466 - 325
tanja1265 - Goodyshoes 365 - 391
tanja1265 - Chaos Queen 385 - 344
tanja1265 - malgilb 409 - 373
tanja1265 - Nelli0815 420 - 381
tanja1265 - smartraser 411 - 287
Nelli0815 - Hausdrache-68 291 - 307
Nelli0815 - SusiSorgenfrei 344 - 370
Nelli0815 - Goodyshoes 350 - 362
Nelli0815 - Chaos Queen 340 - 490
Nelli0815 - malgilb 501 - 255
Nelli0815 - tanja1265 381 - 420
Nelli0815 - smartraser 450 - 267
smartraser - Hausdrache-68 547 - 259
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 363 - 257
smartraser - Goodyshoes 318 - 249
smartraser - Chaos Queen 436 - 302
smartraser - malgilb 318 - 299
smartraser - tanja1265 287 - 411
smartraser - Nelli0815 267 - 450

Match program

Match Result
Hausdrache-68 - smartraser 259 - 547
SusiSorgenfrei - Nelli0815 370 - 344
Goodyshoes - tanja1265 391 - 365
Chaos Queen - malgilb 401 - 306
Hausdrache-68 - Nelli0815 307 - 291
smartraser - tanja1265 287 - 411
SusiSorgenfrei - malgilb 349 - 321
Goodyshoes - Chaos Queen 296 - 405
Hausdrache-68 - tanja1265 414 - 367
Nelli0815 - malgilb 501 - 255
smartraser - Chaos Queen 436 - 302
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 265 - 343
Hausdrache-68 - malgilb 393 - 237
tanja1265 - Chaos Queen 385 - 344
Nelli0815 - Goodyshoes 350 - 362
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 363 - 257
Hausdrache-68 - Chaos Queen 439 - 235
malgilb - Goodyshoes 249 - 419
tanja1265 - SusiSorgenfrei 466 - 325
Nelli0815 - smartraser 450 - 267
Hausdrache-68 - Goodyshoes 309 - 390
Chaos Queen - SusiSorgenfrei 445 - 339
malgilb - smartraser 299 - 318
tanja1265 - Nelli0815 420 - 381
Hausdrache-68 - SusiSorgenfrei 331 - 288
Goodyshoes - smartraser 249 - 318
Chaos Queen - Nelli0815 490 - 340
malgilb - tanja1265 373 - 409

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