Juzzee´s Inaugural QaardZ Tournament

Welcome to Juzzee´s Inaugural QaardZ Tournament

This is a test tournament to see if people would like to play. Games to be played on CLASSIC board in QaardZ for this one. If it works well then I´ll try different boards.

IGood Luck & have fun

Open Tournament. 8 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 LynnT08 7 7 0 0 5289-4555 734 14
2 ash0206 7 6 0 1 5718-4423 1295 12
3 Ziplet 7 5 0 2 5109-4060 1049 10
4 Anpela 7 4 0 3 4402-4724 -322 8
5 Juzzee 7 3 0 4 4801-4687 114 6
6 Hop1234 7 2 0 5 3987-4547 -560 4
7 Trcytwt 7 1 0 6 3322-4255 -933 2
8 Mellhc 7 0 0 7 3611-4988 -1377 0

Comment field

Name Message Time
LynnT08 Thank you Juzzee! 28/08 2024 00:19:46
Juzzee Congratulations LynnT08 on winning our first custom tournament. Thanks to everyone for playing:-) 27/08 2024 11:48:52
Juzzee Sorry that should have read ´losing´ 25/08 2024 10:15:41
Juzzee Technically a resignation is a forfeit of a match. As there is no way to indicate a resignation on this site I suggest if you were looking when Tracy resigned you reverse the scores so that you get the win. 25/08 2024 10:14:40
trcytwt Hi everyone, in light of the fact that my schedule became unexpectedly busy and I am holding up the game ... I need to resign. I´m sorry for my lack of play. 24/08 2024 20:58:10
trcytwt Good luck everyone. 18/08 2024 06:06:44
Martel5 Ja, sieht ganz so aus. War wohl falsch. Sorry und viel Spaß! 16/08 2024 23:23:39
Juzzee Sorry @Martel5 I have removed you from this tournament as it is for the game QaardZ not Wordfeud and I think thou joined in error 16/08 2024 12:39:57
Juzzee Martel5 what is your QaardZ username as I can´t find you in the game? 16/08 2024 11:02:25




Match Result
Juzzee - Ziplet 656 - 810
Juzzee - Hop1234 792 - 519
Juzzee - Mellhc 887 - 666
Juzzee - Trcytwt 598 - 400
Juzzee - Anpela 670 - 680
Juzzee - LynnT08 594 - 729
Juzzee - ash0206 604 - 883
Ziplet - Juzzee 810 - 656
Ziplet - Hop1234 596 - 513
Ziplet - Mellhc 672 - 433
Ziplet - Trcytwt 672 - 396
Ziplet - Anpela 967 - 602
Ziplet - LynnT08 770 - 788
Ziplet - ash0206 622 - 672
Hop1234 - Juzzee 519 - 792
Hop1234 - Ziplet 513 - 596
Hop1234 - Mellhc 733 - 463
Hop1234 - Trcytwt 517 - 475
Hop1234 - Anpela 637 - 686
Hop1234 - LynnT08 568 - 792
Hop1234 - ash0206 500 - 743
Mellhc - Juzzee 666 - 887
Mellhc - Ziplet 433 - 672
Mellhc - Hop1234 463 - 733
Mellhc - Trcytwt 324 - 355
Mellhc - Anpela 593 - 684
Mellhc - LynnT08 568 - 698
Mellhc - ash0206 564 - 959
Trcytwt - Juzzee 400 - 598
Trcytwt - Ziplet 396 - 672
Trcytwt - Hop1234 475 - 517
Trcytwt - Mellhc 355 - 324
Trcytwt - Anpela 372 - 551
Trcytwt - LynnT08 694 - 750
Trcytwt - ash0206 630 - 843
Anpela - Juzzee 680 - 670
Anpela - Ziplet 602 - 967
Anpela - Hop1234 686 - 637
Anpela - Mellhc 684 - 593
Anpela - Trcytwt 551 - 372
Anpela - LynnT08 573 - 655
Anpela - ash0206 626 - 830
LynnT08 - Juzzee 729 - 594
LynnT08 - Ziplet 788 - 770
LynnT08 - Hop1234 792 - 568
LynnT08 - Mellhc 698 - 568
LynnT08 - Trcytwt 750 - 694
LynnT08 - Anpela 655 - 573
LynnT08 - ash0206 877 - 788
ash0206 - Juzzee 883 - 604
ash0206 - Ziplet 672 - 622
ash0206 - Hop1234 743 - 500
ash0206 - Mellhc 959 - 564
ash0206 - Trcytwt 843 - 630
ash0206 - Anpela 830 - 626
ash0206 - LynnT08 788 - 877

Match program

Match Result
Juzzee - ash0206 604 - 883
Ziplet - LynnT08 770 - 788
Hop1234 - Anpela 637 - 686
Mellhc - Trcytwt 324 - 355
Juzzee - LynnT08 594 - 729
ash0206 - Anpela 830 - 626
Ziplet - Trcytwt 672 - 396
Hop1234 - Mellhc 733 - 463
Juzzee - Anpela 670 - 680
LynnT08 - Trcytwt 750 - 694
ash0206 - Mellhc 959 - 564
Ziplet - Hop1234 596 - 513
Juzzee - Trcytwt 598 - 400
Anpela - Mellhc 684 - 593
LynnT08 - Hop1234 792 - 568
ash0206 - Ziplet 672 - 622
Juzzee - Mellhc 887 - 666
Trcytwt - Hop1234 475 - 517
Anpela - Ziplet 602 - 967
LynnT08 - ash0206 877 - 788
Juzzee - Hop1234 792 - 519
Mellhc - Ziplet 433 - 672
Trcytwt - ash0206 630 - 843
Anpela - LynnT08 573 - 655
Juzzee - Ziplet 656 - 810
Hop1234 - ash0206 500 - 743
Mellhc - LynnT08 568 - 698
Trcytwt - Anpela 372 - 551

Become member

Everyone can participate for free in the tournaments on this site. If you support us with £10, $15, €12 or similar, we grant you a year of membership access. Then you can start your own tournaments in any sport. Plus, you get all the other WLoH goodies. Membership is paid to WLoH's bank account . It takes some time before we get accessed manually. What goes fastest is to donate via PayPal and continue the dialogue until they send you back to WLoH