1965Karin´s letzte Zufalls-Challenge vor dem Jahreswechsel

Welcome to 1965Karin´s Challenge!

Open Tournament. 6 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 smartraser 5 5 0 0 2160-1806 354 10
2 RockyinMemory 5 3 0 2 1926-1739 187 6
3 wery 5 2 0 3 1935-1885 50 4
4 suddenfun1111 5 2 0 3 1923-1993 -70 4
5 Miza 5 2 0 3 2002-2130 -128 4
6 1965Karin 5 1 0 4 1591-1984 -393 2

Comment field

Name Message Time
1965Karin Ich wünsche viel Spaß beim Spiel und allen einen guten Rutsch 31/12 2024 11:16:40




Match Result
1965Karin - Miza 453 - 366
1965Karin - wery 226 - 376
1965Karin - suddenfun1111 300 - 369
1965Karin - smartraser 291 - 456
1965Karin - RockyinMemory 321 - 417
Miza - 1965Karin 366 - 453
Miza - wery 443 - 387
Miza - suddenfun1111 430 - 379
Miza - smartraser 454 - 458
Miza - RockyinMemory 309 - 453
wery - 1965Karin 376 - 226
wery - Miza 387 - 443
wery - suddenfun1111 403 - 475
wery - smartraser 336 - 387
wery - RockyinMemory 433 - 354
suddenfun1111 - 1965Karin 369 - 300
suddenfun1111 - Miza 379 - 430
suddenfun1111 - wery 475 - 403
suddenfun1111 - smartraser 412 - 471
suddenfun1111 - RockyinMemory 288 - 389
smartraser - 1965Karin 456 - 291
smartraser - Miza 458 - 454
smartraser - wery 387 - 336
smartraser - suddenfun1111 471 - 412
smartraser - RockyinMemory 388 - 313
RockyinMemory - 1965Karin 417 - 321
RockyinMemory - Miza 453 - 309
RockyinMemory - wery 354 - 433
RockyinMemory - suddenfun1111 389 - 288
RockyinMemory - smartraser 313 - 388

Match program

Match Result
1965Karin - RockyinMemory 321 - 417
Miza - smartraser 454 - 458
wery - suddenfun1111 403 - 475
1965Karin - smartraser 291 - 456
RockyinMemory - suddenfun1111 389 - 288
Miza - wery 443 - 387
1965Karin - suddenfun1111 300 - 369
smartraser - wery 387 - 336
RockyinMemory - Miza 453 - 309
1965Karin - wery 226 - 376
suddenfun1111 - Miza 379 - 430
smartraser - RockyinMemory 388 - 313
1965Karin - Miza 453 - 366
wery - RockyinMemory 433 - 354
suddenfun1111 - smartraser 412 - 471

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