Smartraser´s Zufallsrunde

Welcome to Smartraser´s Zufallsrunde

Open Tournament. 8 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 nitschewo 7 6 0 1 3176-2673 503 12
2 Chreig 7 5 0 2 3401-2999 402 10
3 smartraser 7 5 0 2 2817-2677 140 10
4 wery 7 3 0 4 2869-2782 87 6
5 tanja1265 7 3 0 4 3032-3067 -35 6
6 Popeye5555 7 3 0 4 2658-3133 -475 6
7 Jo Ke 7 2 0 5 2813-2996 -183 4
8 krokoistda 7 1 0 6 2674-3113 -439 2

Comment field




Match Result
smartraser - krokoistda 335 - 310
smartraser - Jo Ke 351 - 419
smartraser - wery 403 - 390
smartraser - Popeye5555 405 - 408
smartraser - tanja1265 416 - 340
smartraser - Chreig 479 - 422
smartraser - nitschewo 428 - 388
krokoistda - smartraser 310 - 335
krokoistda - Jo Ke 434 - 423
krokoistda - wery 430 - 458
krokoistda - Popeye5555 326 - 382
krokoistda - tanja1265 372 - 514
krokoistda - Chreig 391 - 544
krokoistda - nitschewo 411 - 457
Jo Ke - smartraser 419 - 351
Jo Ke - krokoistda 423 - 434
Jo Ke - wery 256 - 523
Jo Ke - Popeye5555 602 - 325
Jo Ke - tanja1265 387 - 475
Jo Ke - Chreig 381 - 535
Jo Ke - nitschewo 345 - 353
wery - smartraser 390 - 403
wery - krokoistda 458 - 430
wery - Jo Ke 523 - 256
wery - Popeye5555 338 - 363
wery - tanja1265 499 - 407
wery - Chreig 337 - 464
wery - nitschewo 324 - 459
Popeye5555 - smartraser 408 - 405
Popeye5555 - krokoistda 382 - 326
Popeye5555 - Jo Ke 325 - 602
Popeye5555 - wery 363 - 338
Popeye5555 - tanja1265 364 - 484
Popeye5555 - Chreig 357 - 471
Popeye5555 - nitschewo 459 - 507
tanja1265 - smartraser 340 - 416
tanja1265 - krokoistda 514 - 372
tanja1265 - Jo Ke 475 - 387
tanja1265 - wery 407 - 499
tanja1265 - Popeye5555 484 - 364
tanja1265 - Chreig 469 - 602
tanja1265 - nitschewo 343 - 427
Chreig - smartraser 422 - 479
Chreig - krokoistda 544 - 391
Chreig - Jo Ke 535 - 381
Chreig - wery 464 - 337
Chreig - Popeye5555 471 - 357
Chreig - tanja1265 602 - 469
Chreig - nitschewo 363 - 585
nitschewo - smartraser 388 - 428
nitschewo - krokoistda 457 - 411
nitschewo - Jo Ke 353 - 345
nitschewo - wery 459 - 324
nitschewo - Popeye5555 507 - 459
nitschewo - tanja1265 427 - 343
nitschewo - Chreig 585 - 363

Match program

Match Result
smartraser - nitschewo 428 - 388
krokoistda - Chreig 391 - 544
Jo Ke - tanja1265 387 - 475
wery - Popeye5555 338 - 363
smartraser - Chreig 479 - 422
nitschewo - tanja1265 427 - 343
krokoistda - Popeye5555 326 - 382
Jo Ke - wery 256 - 523
smartraser - tanja1265 416 - 340
Chreig - Popeye5555 471 - 357
nitschewo - wery 459 - 324
krokoistda - Jo Ke 434 - 423
smartraser - Popeye5555 405 - 408
tanja1265 - wery 407 - 499
Chreig - Jo Ke 535 - 381
nitschewo - krokoistda 457 - 411
smartraser - wery 403 - 390
Popeye5555 - Jo Ke 325 - 602
tanja1265 - krokoistda 514 - 372
Chreig - nitschewo 363 - 585
smartraser - Jo Ke 351 - 419
wery - krokoistda 458 - 430
Popeye5555 - nitschewo 459 - 507
tanja1265 - Chreig 469 - 602
smartraser - krokoistda 335 - 310
Jo Ke - nitschewo 345 - 353
wery - Chreig 337 - 464
Popeye5555 - tanja1265 364 - 484

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